




Import the library with the using keyword. This package has no default backend, so either AWSCRT or MQTTClient needs to be included.

using MQTT, MQTTClient

MQTT provides a MQTTConnection object for each backend, this struct is passed to the other included functions.

client, connection = MQTTClient.MakeConnection(...)

mqtt_connection = MQTTConnection(client, connection)

Basic example

Refer to the corresponding method documentation to find more options. Refer to the MQTT Client documentation for specifics about the client.

AWSCRT.jl Example


MQTTClient.jl Example

using MQTT, MQTTClient
broker = ""

# Define the callback for receiving messages.
function on_msg(topic, payload)
    info("Received message topic: [", topic, "] payload: [", String(payload), "]")

# Instantiate a client.
mqttconnection = MQTTConnection(MQTTClient.MakeConnection(broker, 1883))

# connect to the broker

# Subscribe to the topic we will publish to.
subscribe!(on_msg, mqttconnection, "foo/test", EXACTLY_ONCE)

# Publish some data to the topic, you should see this prionted by the on_msg function
publish!(mqttconnection, "foo/test", "bar", EXACTLY_ONCE)

# Unsubscribe from the topic
unsubscribe!(mqttconnection, "foo/test")

# Disconnect from the broker. Not strictly needed as the broker will also
#   disconnect us if the socket is closed. But this is considered good form
#   and needed if you want to resume this session later.

# Unsubscribe from the topic
unsubscribe!(mqtt_connection, "jlExample")


Developer Usage

Adding a new backend

To use a new MQTT backend with MQTT.jl you need to follow at least these steps:

  1. Create a MyMQTTClientExt.jl in ext/
  2. Define the 6 internal functions _resolve, _connect, _subscribe, _unsubscribe, _publish, _disconnect for your package.
  3. Define a struct that is a subtype of AbstractConnection and extend the MQTTConnection to construct your struct. This struct should contain all the information for making connections, publishing etc.
  4. Add some documentation for how to use your package.
  5. Add some tests (optional).